Themes Science Fiction – Writing With A Plan
If you have even dabbled in themes science fiction oriented you have heard of AI and the resulting apocalypse that is envisioned.
Continue reading →If you have even dabbled in themes science fiction oriented you have heard of AI and the resulting apocalypse that is envisioned.
Continue reading →Science Fiction Concepts, Sci-Fi Story Definition When seeking to clearly define science fiction concepts, sci-fi authors soon recognize that no clear definition takes top billing in this genre of exciting and energized story telling. Yet the most popular and recognizable … Continue reading →
Science Fiction Story Characteristics or How to Craft A Great Sci-Fi Plot Science fiction story characteristics are defined by a process wherein SF authors seek to extend scientific principles into a scientifically acceptable fictional plot-line. This means that the author … Continue reading →
Focus: Expository Writing Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Expository writing in science fiction, fantasy and horror sets focus on up-front rational presentation of a particular subject. The words come across in a matter-of-fact characteristics wherein the author avoids exaggerated word … Continue reading →
A Merging in Story Types Using Allegory, Fable and Satire When using allegory, fable and satire story types, there are no concrete boundaries. Although distinct in nature, any one of the types can be merged with one or more of … Continue reading →
Writing Science Fiction – An Illusion of Simplicity Too many readers take writing science fiction for granted. When done correctly, sci-fi stories excel so much so that readers never even notice how effectively the tale lays out a realistic but … Continue reading →
Science Fiction Allegory, the essence: characterization within sci-fi allegories use a form of symbolism that permeates the story from start to finish. The thoughts, actions and characteristics of all major within the story exemplify the symbolic significance of the focal allegory.
Scope of Science Fiction Symbolism
Differentiating between fantasy creatures and sci-fi creatures can be complex. Yet the distinctions can be critical. Not only as a point of knowledge but also as a separation between works of arts. Knowing what you are reading or viewing defines how you interpret the character of the creatures within a book.
Continue reading →Name Branding, the Essence of Science Fiction Novel Marketing Although writers craft short stories for multiple reasons, wise authors also acknowledge the benefits of a short story strategy in the purpose of science fiction novel marketing. Think name branding. Even … Continue reading →
Why Sci-Fi Persuasive Writing Breaks The Mold By definition, persuasive writing requires significant creativity as well as proficiency in basic writing skills. In standard usage, persuasive writing plays a major role to promote products and services via online and offline … Continue reading →
In the world of science fiction short stories, descriptive writing sets focus on an idea, an imagined response to the idea, and a method for how the idea affects characters and events within the story. Involve readers in the characters, the science and the purpose for this particular sci-fi short story.
Continue reading →Typically the narrative writing style includes the significant characteristics of storytelling, including characters, a plot, a climax and a distinctive ending.
Continue reading →A brief look at why writer goal setting may not be the best theory for writers to follow. Can it be that breaking up the day into a multitude of author labors can starve away writer’s block.
Continue reading →How Quality Articles Help Build Your Business Internet Presence Business Internet Presence made real: The following tips are designed to help you build your Internet presence by taking advantage of quality articles and article marketing. 1) Business Internet Presence – … Continue reading →
The Beginnings of the ALPHABET From :The Story of the Alphabet” The beginnings of the Alphabet is an exert from the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Story of the Alphabet, by Edward Clodd. This material is for application and distribution … Continue reading →