The Scipio Alliance ignites the military science fiction action in another epic space opera Kindle Edition
Although the Battle for New Canaan has come to an end, the essence of the war is just beginning…
Tanis and Sera, you know these two, right, take the twelve to Khardine. But how long can they remain in the new capital of the Transcend? You know it. In no short order of time, the group heads out to the Inner Stars. It is a meeting with an new ally, the Scipian Empress, Diana. Or is that merely a pipe-dream.
With the Trisilieds Kingdom, the Hegemony of Worlds, and the Nietzschean Empire all aligned with the Orion Guard—not to mention a civil war brewing in the Transcend—they will need all the help they can get to secure the Inner Stars.
But Empress Diana has her own plans for the Inner Stars, and while they may dovetail with the Transcend’s for now, they may not always do so…
The Scipio Alliance, The Orion War Book 4 is military science fiction in high gear powered by the amazing skills of New York Times bestselling author, M. D. Cooper
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The Scipio Alliance, Book 4 in the M.D. Cooper Orion War Military Science Fiction Space Opera
Scipio Alliance, The Beginnings of the Orion War Military Series
Defined as book four in the Orion War military science fiction space opera, the Scipio Alliance springs for a humble beginning in book one, Destiny Lost. This is where we first meet, Sera, a drinking, smuggling captain of of star freighter Sabrina. It is also where we first meet Tanis Richards, a lady with knowledge of an important and long lost secret.
As the two come together, thus begins the Orion War.
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Sera knows how to help Tanis and the Intrepid. But to do that, she will need to reveal a secret that will pull her back into a life she left long ago. A life from which she was exiled in shame and disgrace.
Tanis doesn’t trust Sera; and Sabrina’s rag-tag crew is nothing like what she’s used to, but she’s going to have to rely on them to avoid capture and get back to the Intrepid. As Tanis and Sera battle pirates and interstellar governments, the two women forge a friendship that will forever shape the destiny of humanity.
Scipio Alliance, Charged With Excitement
Although reviews of The Scipio Alliance sometimes reflect a bit of disappoint, for most readers, Orion War Book 4 is charged with excitement. We have a 77{5bba240e2677f7fae98abf18047af2e6d333217bd9003caeafca34323475a17d} five start rating here, folks. That comes from 43 reviews. The delivery and pacing In The Scipio Alliance reaches stellar proportions. Action abounds. After all, this is a military science fiction space opera.
The book includes multiple story lines, handled with precision and focused points of excitement. The Orion War characters continue to evolve, and the tech in the series just keeps getting better and better. Isn’t it time for you to take hold of one of the Aeon 14 books.
Very few reads have taken in an MD Cooper story and come away disappointed. The Orion War science fiction space stores all tie together well, even those that all of a sudden are in the far past or jump to the future. The Scipio Alliance is no exception.
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Scipio Alliance Top Reviews
November 30, 2017
April 18, 2018
Scipio Alliance, The Orion War 4, Military Science Fiction — Product details
File Size: 2124 KB
Print Length: 277 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: The Wooden Pen Press (November 15, 2017)
Publication Date: November 15, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Scipio Alliance, The Orion War 4 — A Look At The Author
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